Mahogany plants dealer in Agra

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We are providing Mahogany plants dealer in Agra, for details call us now:+91-9792210555,9721457555,7379285555 or mail:

Mahogany, West Indian Mahogany, Spanish mahogany, Madeira redwood, acajou, caoba, caoba de Santo, cheria mahogany, Cuban mahogany, American mahogany, True mahogany, little leaf mahogany, Dominican mahogany are a touch of trade names of Indian Mahogany.

Indian Mahogany is all around related through seeds. It requires lacking shade or full Sun for its change. It needs water sporadically. It looses its leaves toward the end of the winter. The new leaves start making taking after two three weeks. The new leaves are bronzed purple in shading, which turn yellow green a while later.

Indian Mahogany grow up to the stature of 30 – 40 feet. It is standard upright making tree with abroad balanced symmetrical crown. It is 20 – 30 feet in spread. The standard thing is a clearing greenish chestnut holder, part into 5 pieces relwasing level, working out unmistakably to quite a while prior winged, light cocoa seeds. Its wood is red cocoa indian-mahogany-treein shading. Both the male and the female sprouts are made on the same plant. The bark is smooth defective cocoa in shading. The leaves are pinnate which are 12 – 25 cm long, with four to eight presents.

Its wood is used as a touch of making furniture, establishments, musical instruments, trim, watercraft, boxes and some more. Its wood is an astoundingly unmistakable material for drum making.

The bark concentrates are used as an astringent for wounds. It is used to cure intestinal turmoil, need division of the guts, fever, free guts and depurative. The leaves contain a couple limonoids; seven phragmalin limonoids of swietephragmins A-G pointlessly two other unmistakable sorts of 2-hydroxy-3-O-tigloylswietenolide and deacetylsecomahoganin.